About MHC DC
We are here to provide a space for MHC graduates to connect through events, build community and receive support so that you can thrive and be uncommon.
We are here to serve you!
Each year, the club holds a host of annual and special events ranging from career panels to brewery tours. You can view past and upcoming events (both club and MHC Alum Association) here:
Building authentic connections is the lifeblood of the club. We work hard to create avenues that allow members to connect and grow.
Club Instagram and Facebook Page
Our members are at all stages in their life. So, whether you just graduated or are about to retire, we are here to offer resources for you.
Edward R. Murrow Memorial Scholarship Fund
Annual Events
Each year, the club offers a host or annual events. The below events generally happen every year (pending any unforeseen complications) and are core to our programming.
We may be miles from the Pioneer Valley, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still learn. Our annual J-term programming includes 1-2 hour educational events throughout January. Want to learn how to knit? Need a motivational boost to help build your professional confidence? We’ve got you covered!
Uncommon Women Panel
We are fortunate to be in the DMV area surrounded by so many talented and esteemed alums. The Uncommon Women panels convenes MHC graduates around a certain topic (law, medicine, politics, etc.) for an evening of lively, thought provoking conversation.
Mary Lyon Dinner
Our club’s primary fundraiser, The Mary Lyon Dinner is a formal dinner held in DC and is one of the largest events we have each year. Funds collected at the event support the Edward R. Murrow Memorial Scholarship Fund and help subsidize club programming.
Annual Meeting
Each year, we bring together members to celebrate the year that has passed and to welcome the year ahead. At each annual meeting, we cover the clubs finances, recap events from the past year, provide announcements from the College, and vote on a new slate of board members.
Blossoms to Laurels
What is more exciting than welcoming the next class of Mt. Holyoke students into our community. At Blossoms to Laurels, we hold a brunch in late summer for students that will be matriculating into Mt. Holyoke that fall.
Mountain Day
You know it. You Love it. You’re there for the ice cream. Mountain day, the most auspicious of Mt. Holyoke traditions, happens every fall on the same day as the College’s event. On the day of, members get together at ice cream shops around the DMV areas to enjoy each other’s company and reminisce.