November 2020 Newsletter
The MHC DC Club has some virtual programming for you in the coming month. We can’t wait to see you!
History of African Americans in the USA
Nov 19 @ 8pm
Nemata Blyden, MHC class of 1987, is an Associate Professor of History and International Affairs at The George Washington University. She holds a BA in History and International Relations from Mount Holyoke College, and an MPhil and PhD from Yale University. Dr. Blyden specializes in African and African Diaspora history. “Our claims are on America”: African American struggles for equality.
In 1828 Thomas Jennings, a free black New Yorker, maintained, “Our claims are on America; it is the land that gave us birth; it is the land of our nativity, we know no other country.” Jennings was expressing what many African Americans had before him – that Black Americans were just as worthy of citizens as their white counterparts. Since he uttered those words, many more African Americans would challenge the country they called theirs to accept them as full and equal citizens. Over the centuries, they would be thwarted in that endeavor. This talk will look at the history of African Americans over four centuries, highlighting their achievements and struggles, and their quest to belong in a nation which has often (still yet?) turned its back on them.
At Mt. Holyoke, J-Term was a time for many of us to take fun classes, study or volunteer abroad, or just relax with friends. Since 2014, the MHC-DC club has offered its own version of J-Term, where local alums can share their knowledge with one another. If you would like to host a class (via zoom), please contact and put J-Term in the subject line!
Alternatively, if you have suggestions for a J-Term class that you would like to see, please contact and put J-Term in the subject line!
Vespers 2020
Join the Mount Holyoke Alumnae Association for the first Virtual Worldwide Vespers concert hosted by the New York City Club. Held in some form on campus each December since 1899, this holiday tradition is much anticipated and reliably fills Abbey Chapel. This will be the first time it is being held virtually.
Ticket Prices
Mary Lyon Chair - $1837 per person
Angel Chair - $1000 per person
Leadership Chair - $500 per person
Vice Chair - $250 per person
Vespers Chair - $150 per person
Above ticket purchases include pre-concert reception, online concert and name recognized
Patron - $50
Above ticket purchase includes online concert and name recognized
General - $10
Above ticket purchase includes online concert only
Proceeds will support both the Mount Holyoke College Student Safety Net Fund and the Alum Scholar Fund.
Guests can register in advance.
This event is being conducted over Zoom. As the host, Mount Holyoke College reserves the right to record this session and the event sponsors will give prior notification to event participants of any intention to do so. The recording feature for others is disabled so that no one else will be able to record this session through Zoom. At all times, no recording by any other means is permitted without prior written permission from the event sponsor or as an approved accommodation.
Friday, December 4 at 6:45pm to 9:00pm
Virtual Event
Help Shape the Club - We Rely on You
We are always looking for enthusiastic, engaged volunteers - that means you!
Volunteer for a position that’s a match for your interests and the time you have available. We are currently looking for alumni to support many of our committees including Communications, Nominating, and Programs.
Most do not require specific skills.
The Club’s volunteers have terms of two years.
About half of the volunteers finish their term each year. This cycle intentionally ensures that there are experienced volunteers to mentor newer volunteers.
Being a Member on a Committee does not commit you to attend our monthly Board meeting. Committees often hold phone conferences so that members can most effectively manage their schedules.
We want you involved! We welcome new volunteers for their new ideas and because they expand our network to broaden our outreach to alumnae. You have what it takes, we won’t try to fill all your time with boring meetings, and we need your input to have a vibrant Club. Are you ready? If you have space in your life, e-mail